Rongon Orange Essential Oil 10ml


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Essential oil is a type of oil or liquid made from the extract of plants, flowers or fruits. Essential oils are also prepared from a variety of citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons. Orange Essential Oil has a sweet scent that is collected from orange peel.

Mental Care –
* Reduces stress and helps maintain a good mood. *The fragrance spreads in the room or the house which makes the mind feel good in the moment. Moreover, it is helpful to keep the house clean, in this case you can clean the places in the room where dirt accumulates by spraying it with water in a spray bottle.
* Its anti-bacterial properties reduce bacterial and fungal infections.
* Plays an effective role in reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Orange Essential Oil for Skin Care –
* Helps reduce acne.
* Helps reduce acne scars.
* Increases vitamin C in the skin.
* Helps to increase the radiance of the skin.
* Helps to control oil.
* Plays an effective role in reducing wrinkles.

Hair Care –
* Helps to smooth hair
* Provides fragrance to hair.
* Increases Vitamin C in hair which keeps hair healthy.
* Reduces dandruff.
* Reduces itching of scalp.
* Plays an effective role in reducing hair fall.


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